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Home » Auto repair shops » Replicas of advanced spare parts
On behalf of auto repair shops specializing in the restoration of vintage cars and motorcycles, SBA employs reverse engineering and scanning processes to digitalize, modify, and replicate advanced spare parts.
To carry out the reproduction of the evolved parts’ replicas, we use both traditional equipment and 3D printing technologies, depending on the peculiarities and complexity of the geometries of the piece to be made.
This allows us to quickly but accurately replicate the components of vintage vehicles while respecting their original features.
In every machining and process performed at SBA, the piece to be reproduced is the focus: this means that even though we use advanced technologies, we strive to respect the peculiarities of each component we make.
SBA counts on a team of skilled and attentive professionals – both from a manual and design point of view – and with a technologically advanced fleet of machines that enables us to guarantee quick service, in line with the client’s requirements.
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